Category: Food

Tasting a place

I always like to try regional specialties when I can. Tasting the essence of a place literally makes that place a part of you. Consuming foods nourished on an area’s water, grains and...

Rainy night seafood feast in Lisbon

  I’d never been to Portugal but  knew the Atlantic defined its western coast and the country was one of Europe’s wealthiest during the Age of Discovery.  Early in our Iberian adventure...

Sometimes you need to step away

Sometimes you need to step away from the everyday to really examine life and how it’s being lived. That’s one of the most compelling things about travel as far as I’m concerned,...

Big contest win makes my day

Bustin’ my buttons over this: Veteran News-Herald staffer Janet Podolak has won a handful of honors from the Society of American Travel Writers, awarded at the group’s March 31 to April 5...

Ever tasted horse?

This market in the Place d’Aligre neighborhood of Paris included a butcher selling horsemeat. Me either. But I understand it’s often eaten in France and every time I get a menu on...

Provence food best thing I ever tasted

A potato pissaladière with sardines and anchovies was one of the best things I tasted in Marseille. To battle this long cold winter, my daydreams turn to Provence, the scenic crossroads of...