Janet's Jaunts Blog

London bound barring volcano plume

Volcano willing, I’ll be headed for England on Thursday. Adventure is guaranteed although it might not be quite to my liking. I’m asking News-Herald readers for their suggestions and input. A rather...

Mentor’s National Park: Garfield’s home

A walk through President James A. Garfield’s one-time home in Mentor reveals a lot about the the 20th U.S. president and the Victorian era in which he lived. Some of the items,...

Bake-Off flashback

By now the whole world knows that local finalists Linda Bibbo and Susie Bowser didn’t win the Pillsbury Bake-Off’s top prize. Sue Compton of New Jersey won for her Mini-Ice Cream Cookie...

Bake-Off scuttlebutt & cooking

The $1 million winner of the 44th Pillsbury Bake-Off will be announced Wednesday on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Many of the assembled food editors are grumbling, because they”ll have only the names...

Stylishly simple spring parties

Colin Cowie , who gives parties for a living, shared some of his food, drink and decorating ideas for spring and summer in a dazzling presentation for food writers, who surrounded him...

New way to experience flavor

The concept of “Flavor” is comprised of Taste plus Mouthfeel plus Aroma plus X-Factor contend Karen Page and Andrew Dornenburg, authors of the “Flavor Bible.” The research behind their great book, which...

Pillsbury BakeOff Orlando

I’m here in Orlando for the Pillsbury Bake-Off along with Linda Bibbo from Bainbridge and 99 other finalists vying for the $1 million top prize. The excitement is building as judges and...

Presidential trivia answer surprises

The Lake County Historical Society’s annual Presidents’ Gala not only brings out folks costumed as various presidents, but it challenges those who know their history pretty well. Those attired each year as...

chinese new year meal

Suzanne Hanselman of Euclid reports today on the Chinese New Year feast she and her children made and ate yesterday. The photos are from her daughter, Rachel McDonald, 12.“I went to Park...

adventures with chinese vegetables

Suzanne Hanselman is up and running in the Chinese vegetable department after visiting an Asian market with me and Chef Tim McCoy, who was shopping for a Chinese New Year class he...