Janet's Jaunts Blog

Small world of Crystal Serenity

These street musicians in Istanbul stopped their lively playing when the call to prayer rang out. When Dave Ashley reached out by email after reading last month’s story about my Mediterranean cruise...

Muslim attire uncommon in secular Turkey

Istanbul’s ancient history is revealed in its architecture, which includes the Haghia Sofia, built in the 532 as a magnificent Catholic basilica and converted into a mosque in 1453. But the city...

Meet (again) a true adventurer from Mentor

I crossed paths once more today with Jayme Otto Noyes, a young woman from Mentor who I met two years ago in Croatia. I found her again through an email directing me...

Reading Travel: in print or online?

A string quartet tunes up and cruise staff prepares a buffet of sweets for the Mozart Tea aboard the Crystal Serenity They tell me people prefer reading online to the newspaper, but...

Catching Mediterranean sardines for lunch

A small wooden shed holds nets that are lowered  into the sea to catch sardines near the mouth of the Po River off Ravenna, Italy. Maybe it’s my Norwegian heritage or perhaps...

Previewing new Mentor Melt

I’m pretty sure the crowds won’t allow me to get near the new Melt Bar & Grilled after it opens Friday. So I’m glad I was invited to a preview of the...

A fresh look at Baltimore

It’s funny how you can come to a town to visit relatives and think you know it  but come back for another purpose and discover  lots more you didn’t know. That’s how...