Category: Travel

Day One In France

The plane ride was rough, no doubt. A five-hour layover in Newark and six-hour flight on AirFrance. Yet here I am, in Paris again. And completely breathless. Today marked the first of...

Goodbye to Croatia

Sunset over the Adriatic is sublime.  Sunday’s News-Herald Travel section will include the last of my Croatia stories, written from my September experiences aboard the Romanca and on a few of Croatia’s...

Muslim Q&A coming to Kirtland

A pervasive atmosphere of fear has begun to affect my stories, notably one intended for the News-Herald’s Religion page on Saturday. It was an interview with the two Muslims who will be...

Adventure Tuesday

Peter Grubb poses with a statue of Petar Hektorovic, an early Croatian poet. Peter Grubb, founder of ROW International, was the genius behind my September voyage among the Adriatic islands off Croatia...

Octopus, oysters and creatures of the briny Adriatic

An octopus is pulled from the sea. See it wiggle on the video. Shipmate Dave Legge helps open oysters so we can taste them. Fish in Croatia are served with their heads...

Figs to pomegranates, olives to oskorusa ripen in Croatia’s sun

The figs weren’t quite ripe but we passed plenty of them during our hikes on Croatia’s islands. Mediterranean fruits and vegetables were commonly encountered during our harvest season voyage among the Adriatic...

Life’s a Beach Vol. 3

They have a sense of humor at Alligator Alley. Wesley Moore has more than 200 American alligators at his refuge in the Alabama Gulf Coast. Visitors can hold a young gator (they...

Life’s a Beach Vol. 2

I love photographing glass blowers. It’s difficult to make someone look cool when they’re painting or sculpting because the physical process tends to be subtle. But glass blowers, they’re kinetic. They wield...

Life’s a Beach Vol. 1

Once again, Janet Podolak has graciously allowed staff writer Jason Lea to borrow her blog while he visits the Alabama portion of the Gulf Coast. The Gulf Coast oil spill was a...

Sunny Hvar for lace, jetsetters, lavender

The 100-foot Romanca, a wooden sailing ship, was our home during our Adriatic voyage among Croatia’s pristine islands. We head for Hvar , sunniest place in Croatia, aboard the ship’s dinghy This...