Category: Blog

Tasting a place

I always like to try regional specialties when I can. Tasting the essence of a place literally makes that place a part of you. Consuming foods nourished on an area’s water, grains and...

Niagara Falls not frozen over

Major media have reported that Niagara Falls has frozen over. That’s just not so. It may look that way since a layer of ice covers everything, but tons of roaring water still...

Cuban street music brought tears

On the advice of a friend who had visited before, I brought a set of guitar strings to give away. They are among the many things that are difficult or very expensive...

Figuring out Cuban money

Cuban money is confusing to say the least. You’ll exchange your U.S. dollars, probably at your hotel, since if ATM machines exist, I didn’t see any. You’ll get convertible pesos, worth about...

Rainy night seafood feast in Lisbon

  I’d never been to Portugal but  knew the Atlantic defined its western coast and the country was one of Europe’s wealthiest during the Age of Discovery.  Early in our Iberian adventure...

Portuguese surprises

Portugal is one of the least visited of European countries, but its attractions are simply amazing. Some of them are chronicled in The News-Herald’s Feb. 8, 2015 Travel section, including the Chapel of Bones in...

Long haul flying strategies

Long haul flying strategies depend on being properly equipped. My most recent long trip was 30-some hours en route to Oahu with an outbound layover in San Francisco and a return layover...

Discover Croatia among its idyllic islands

An Adriatic voyage between Croatia’s Dubrovnik and Split is ideal aboard a small ship that can weave among the islands allowing passengers to disembark and explore. Only 60 of the 1,186 islands...