Off to France

On Labor Day I’m headed back to France, this time to a small section of the Loire Valley where I’ll visit the hometown of Jules Verne and see and see how his genius is influencing those  who have followed him. I’m told to expect a cross of steam punk and sci-fi. I’ll be visiting some chateaux to see how they’ve been reinvented for the 21st century and will go to one where Leonardo DaVinci spent the final few years of his life and where he finished the famous Mona Lisa,  which he reputedly carried with him when he crossed the Alps from Italy into France.. It should be a great trip and I’ll be blogging whenever I’m able to get a wi-fi signal. One of the most interesting things about this trip will be my travel companions, all invited guests of the French Tourist Office. I’ll be one of just two Americans in this international group of journalists. It will be interesting to see how they do their jobs, and I’ll keep you up to date too. So please check in here between now and Sept. 11, the day I fly back home. And tell me: Would you be anxious flying internationally on 9-11?

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